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Combustion > Spray Combustion
Spray combustion using constant volume combustion chamber
Constant Volume Combustion Chamber (CVCC): A customized 230cc constant volume combustion chamber is being used in order to visualize the fuel spray under high pressure and high temperature condition. The CVCC has four optical windows, and through those windows, various optical diagnostic methods can be performed including shadowgraph and schlieren photography as well as LII and LIF using laser.
Pre-combustion Run: pre-combustion is performed just before fuel injection in order to generate the initial high temperature, high pressure environment. A magnetic driven fan is used for the mixing of filling gas, and two spark plugs ignite the pre-combustion gas (acetylene). The maximum operating pressure and temperature is about 150 bar and 1500 Kelvin, respectively.
Direct Injection Systems: Two direct injection systems are available at the laboratory: A commercial diesel pump driven injection system and a Haskel pneumatic pump driven system. Haskel pump driven system is designed and fabricated to be fuel flexible because the commercial system could not support fuel types with specific characteristics such as high corrosivity. The maximum injection pressure of both systems is around 2,000 bar, and with the help of the PCV driver and injector controller, it is possible to supply various types of fuels to the ambient spray chamber or the CVCC at desired pressure and duration.

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